PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Karte der Ausfälle
Die folgende Ausfallkarte zeigt die letzten Standorte weltweit, an denen PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds-Benutzer ihre Probleme und Ausfälle gemeldet haben. Wenn Sie ein Problem mit PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds haben und Ihre Region nicht aufgeführt ist, stellen Sie sicher, senden Sie bitte unten einen Bericht.
Die obige Heatmap zeigt, wo die neuesten von Benutzern eingereichten und Social-Media-Berichte geografisch gruppiert sind. Die Dichte dieser Berichte wird durch die unten gezeigte Farbskala dargestellt.
Betroffene PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds-Nutzer:
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds ist ein massives Mehrspieler online Überlebensspiel, entwickelt und veröffentlicht von Bluehole Inc. für Microsoft Windows. Das Spiel wurde für den frühen Zugriff im März 2017 herausgebracht.
Sieh den aktuellen Status anAm stärksten betroffene Standorte
Berichte von Ausfällen und Problemen in den letzten 15 Tagen, ausgehen von:
Lage | Meldungen |
Mechanicsburg, PA | 1 |
Santander, Cantabria | 1 |
Wilmington, DE | 1 |
Tipps? Frustrationen? Teile es hier. Nützliche Kommentare enthalten eine Beschreibung des Problems, der Stadt und der Postleitzahl.
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PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Problemmeldungen
Letzte Ausfälle und Probleme die in sozialen Medien gemeldet wurden:
(@pokistaynPUBG) berichtet
RT pubattlegrounds "@EAHelp But it wasn't. Most people have the "YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION IS SLOW" notification, while it's not true you also lag like hell. 100mbps speed at 45ms ping is not slow."
(@CloseCallGames) berichtet
RT pubattlegrounds "@CyberpunkGame @Steam @EpicGames fix your ******* game holy ****" #gamingnews #gaming
Mike Tilson
(@MikeTilson3) berichtet
RT @CohhCarnage: .@PUBATTLEGROUNDS new error introduced with Private games -> Leaving them and returning gives a #0/0 on the top right and…
(@pokistaynPUBG) berichtet
RT pubattlegrounds "RT @PUBG_Support: [PC] Earlier today some players were impacted by incorrect bans caused by a file validation error after a client update. The error which caused these bans has been identified and resolved. All incorrect bans are in the process of bein…
(@Inviinciblee) berichtet
@TheProfessorZ @pubattlegrounds @playnewworld I get up to 200 fps basedon my location with gtx 3070 and i9 so dunno where his problem is or am I missunderstanding something here ? :D
(@CloseCallGames) berichtet
RT pubattlegrounds "RT @PUBG_Support: [PC] The recent hotfix to resolve an intermittent error when connecting to Racing Mode matches has been reverted due to related client instability issues. We plan to roll out an additional hotfix early next week after further testing. …
(@CloseCallGames) berichtet
RT pubattlegrounds "@CyberpunkGame How about an official "Fix your game" contest, where only you can compete." #gamingnews #gaming
(@TsmitAFC) berichtet
@pubattlegrounds @playnewworld Bro I am getting 60 FPS on high with a ****** card, turn your settings down or the problem isn’t your card
(@Inviinciblee) berichtet
@pubattlegrounds @TheProfessorZ @playnewworld I completley agree on that part it's pretty unstable but it's still in Beta and there is room to fix all of that
(@zqngrandprix) berichtet
@pubattlegrounds @CyberpunkGame Did you know they can fix and do contests at the same time?
(@CloseCallGames) berichtet
RT pubattlegrounds "RT @PUBG_Support: [PC] We have deployed a server-side update to resolve an error that could sometimes prevent players from successfully entering Racing Mode matches." #gamingnews #gaming
(@MaloneStone420) berichtet
@PUBG_Support @nikobelic2033 @pubattlegrounds Report feature seems broken keeps telling me I can't report myself when trying to report suspected cheaters can make a video if your devs want one
Nick Swanson
(@NicolasSwanson7) berichtet
@PUBG_Support @pubattlegrounds Can you guys fix players that cheat by lagging you out once they get close to you? Super annoying and should've won a game earlier today because of it!
(@illanoiz312) berichtet
@pubattlegrounds @playnewworld sorry to say your wrong on this one, trust i wish you where right but ive lived it i couldnt play any current game other then among us and i couldnt figure out why i swutched from16gb RAM to 32gb RAM then that wasnt the problem so i went out a bought a 3060 and that wasnt the
(@CloseCallGames) berichtet
RT pubattlegrounds "@EAHelp But it wasn't. Most people have the "YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION IS SLOW" notification, while it's not true you also lag like hell. 100mbps speed at 45ms ping is not slow." #gamingnews #gaming