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OANDA hat sich auf dem Forex-Markt einen Namen gemacht und bietet einzelnen Anlegern seit 1996 Zugang zu Spot-Forex und CFDs. OANDA akzeptiert Kunden aus den USA, Großbritannien, Singapur, Kanada und Australien. Sie bieten eine Reihe von Produkten für den Handel an, darunter Währungs-, Rohstoff- und Indexinstrumente.
Probleme in den letzten 24 Stunden
Die folgende Grafik zeigt die Anzahl der Meldungen, die wir in den letzten 24 Stunden über OANDA nach Tageszeit erhalten haben. Ein Ausfall wird festgestellt, wenn die Anzahl der Berichte höher ist als die Baseline, dargestellt durch die rote Linie.
In Moment haben wir bei OANDA keine Probleme entdeckt. Haben Sie Probleme oder einen Ausfall? hinterlasse eine Nachricht in den Kommentaren.
Meist gemeldete Probleme
Im Folgenden sind die neuesten Probleme aufgeführt, die von OANDA-Benutzern über unsere Website gemeldet wurden.
Login (55%)
Handelsplattform (21%)
Website (18%)
Abhebungen (3%)
Einlagen (3%)
Live-Karte der Ausfälle
Die kürzlichst gemeldeten Probleme und Ausfälle entstanden von
City | Problem Type | Report Time |
Website | ||
Login | ||
Login | ||
Login | ||
Login | ||
Handelsplattform |
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OANDA Problemmeldungen
Letzte Ausfälle und Probleme die in sozialen Medien gemeldet wurden:
Kelly Ann Barrett (@TheKellyBarrett) berichtet
**** you @OANDA of your piece of **** ******* company Bernie ******* hell he cost me $1500 I can scream and yell swear if I want US 3500 on my dollars and you don’t ******* help me burning ******* hell you scum sucking ******* Satanic pieces of **** burn in ******* hell
Anthony Constantine (@Anthony_Tyrone_) berichtet
Luis Martin (@mar72218864) berichtet
@OANDA the platform is down. What do you plan to reset?
Zambo (@Zpiders) berichtet
@OANDA @OANDAsupport I cannot login!!! Got logged out on both web and phone at the sametime.
hemr (@hemrpmk) berichtet
@JamieFX_ oh, the worst thing🥲 i noticed that Oanda has been a little worse lately, missed a few situations that way so i decided to test Saxo after 2 weeks of watching it
The Capital Co. (@cornerstonejoe) berichtet
@OANDA is down AGAIN. All platforms. @OANDAsupport
Yaqoob Jamal (@yjamal001) berichtet
@OANDA can't login. Keep getting "Something went wrong, please try again later" Tried password reset and same thing. tried to contact support but stuck on "I'm connecting you now..."
Billie Slippage (@BillieSlippage) berichtet
@fintechfrank FTX index data is very bad, Oanda SPX500USD is a lot more reliable
Snarfie (@Snarfaleptic) berichtet
@ksnwhitsell @TiNYpooMonkey @CQuill97 And by the way, Bo is a very good comedian. Again he is not in the level of Joe. He's not there. The tactic of trying to attack people who are better in his industry is an old shock **** thing. Talk bad about Stern or OandA to try to get more attention. That's what Bo is doing.
JaRek (@jakslonce) berichtet
@OANDA Login problem again. Crashed on PC and cell phone in the same time. You've got **** with the service again #oanda #downdetector
Peter (@Peter06817130) berichtet
@jakslonce @OANDA Same issue
Wendy (@zhuli36309098) berichtet
Edward Moya, senior market analyst at Oanda, noted that "sentiment about cryptocurrencies is very bad as their total market cap falls below $1 trillion." He believes that if Bitcoin falls below $20,000, a more aggressive sell-off could follow.
🖤Zory🖤 (@ZC78302540) berichtet
@OANDA @NewYorkRedBulls You should be worried about how to fix your trading platform instead posting about sports. #Gtfoh #pos
tom (@tomwhite001) berichtet
@ZacharyC_hoops @NewYorkRedBulls @OANDA Bad or back at the weekend?
Jackson brown (@Jax1989Brown) berichtet
@edgewonk Anyone had the problem of some trades being missed during the import and not showing up in the journal tab? I use @OANDA CSV
donotpause (@donotpause) berichtet
@OANDA going down whenever the markets getting smashed. At this point I'm not even surprised anymore, it feels like you guys are doing this on purpose.
christian pulisic’s burner😈🇺🇸 (@cpulisic_burner) berichtet
@NewYorkRedBulls @OANDA **** you Red Bulls, just another example of the mls ******* the usmnt over
Wondereras (@Wondererus) berichtet
@OANDA Can not login my account ! What's the problme?
Ixchel Salazar (@IxchelSalazar3) berichtet
@OANDA I am having issues to log in into my account. I have call you guys and it hangs me up. I have done the chat and it says “Sorry, I am having issues answering your question.”Is there any other way to communicate with you guys. I have open trades that I need to close.
PSC (@PSC98_) berichtet
@_j2wenty @cerberus_fx @dbesadem Don’t move to Oanda, server breakdowns right at LOKZ
Kenan (@mentalalchem1st) berichtet
@LicenceToPrint_ For me oanda is the goat. I've been live trading with their data for a year now and no problems. Which one do u use?
BeSociallySmashing (@IMNicoleJolie) berichtet
@OANDA I've tried so many times to get someone who knows what they're doing and can answer simple questions. I am frustrated, angry and if I could scream at your face I would. I want help, not a stupid *** bot asking me questions. where is the phone number to talk to a human?
Wendy (@Wendygood857) berichtet
Edward Moya, senior market analyst at Oanda, noted that "sentiment about cryptocurrencies is very bad as their total market cap falls below $1 trillion." He believes that if Bitcoin falls below $20,000, a more aggressive sell-off could follow.
Max (@M_a_x_0_r) berichtet
Having access to better spreads doesn't just stop at locking in more wins when things go bad. It also helps avoid getting stopped at break-even before a move does a further thrust when it pulls back too much. I've seen too often that Oanda+ spreads (pretty bad) get barely tagged
eric (@ercgeez_) berichtet
man ik my oanda would not have came out like this before **** panama
Zambo (@Zpiders) berichtet
@jakslonce @OANDA I'm getting same issue
XeL Arjona (@xel_arjona) berichtet
@minercalifornia This is not bollinger's, they are 1x elastic VolWeighted deviation from a rolling 52weekVWAP in regard of OANDA volume information, that for rolling statistical purposes it reflects with little error margin worldwide full volume turnover.
M.M.G (@themacrothinker) berichtet
@cornerstonejoe @OANDA @OANDAsupport It goes down more than it goes up
CtrlAltDecentralize (@CADecentralize) berichtet
@iMiMiMx @OANDA Can't login via Android or http either.
Vince (@0xCryptoVince) berichtet
@Tradinator33 @impulse_hunter Yes! Openend MT4 to trade on Oanda for first time last week and damn so old was like windows 95 vibes haha