Funktioniert Pepperstone nicht?
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Pepperstone ist ein australischer Makler mit Sitz in Melbourne. Es bietet eine umfassende Handelsausführung über mehrere Plattformen, einschließlich MetaTrader 4, browserbasierter Eingabe und mobiler Geräte. Kunden können zwischen handelbaren Instrumenten in einer Vielzahl von Anlageklassen wählen, darunter Forex, Index-CFDs, Rohstoffe, Metalle und Kryptowährungen.
Probleme in den letzten 24 Stunden
Die folgende Grafik zeigt die Anzahl der Meldungen, die wir in den letzten 24 Stunden über Pepperstone nach Tageszeit erhalten haben. Ein Ausfall wird festgestellt, wenn die Anzahl der Berichte höher ist als die Baseline, dargestellt durch die rote Linie.
In Moment haben wir bei Pepperstone keine Probleme entdeckt. Haben Sie Probleme oder einen Ausfall? hinterlasse eine Nachricht in den Kommentaren.
Meist gemeldete Probleme
Im Folgenden sind die neuesten Probleme aufgeführt, die von Pepperstone-Benutzern über unsere Website gemeldet wurden.
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Einlagen (3%)
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Pepperstone Problemmeldungen
Letzte Ausfälle und Probleme die in sozialen Medien gemeldet wurden:
123 (@ibrahimathiam18) berichtet
@PepperstoneFX Hello have anyone ever changed a visa card of their pepperstone account I dont have that option for withdrawal??? Any help??
Local Man Wolf (@LocalManWolf) berichtet
@mat_gerrard Waapi...actually he is the worst I have seen. I have an account but when I realized that they manipulate prices I stopped dealing with them. The best I have used are Pepperstone from Australia
User pips (@user_pips) berichtet
Es algo lento el celular para pepperstone. Próximamente mejor en portátil.
Bodhi_hc1977 (@bg_hc1977) berichtet
@stockswami So Pepperstone has done what is expected of a broker holding a license. I think ASIC should crack down on the brokers turning a blind eye. In all honesty, it wouldn't have been hard to catch.
roger carey (@brucegreenroger) berichtet
@PepperstoneFX pepperstone sold my data to google and because google cant get it/hack it from my computer, they locked me out of of my banking till i give them access, by way of using google chrome, so they ignored me 3 months, fix it or see you in court with CFTC ASIC SEC
Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet
Just read my "support" email from #Pepperstone. Furious, Basically, ignores my "Request" & the attempts to deflect responsibility have started. The agent has ignored key information already supplied earlier in the thread! Why are they already being Nasty!
The Brave Hamid (@TheBraveHamid) berichtet
@PepperstoneFX It`s for 2 days that I have sent an email to Pepperstone support unfortunately no one returns back to me... in website chat also waited for about 1 hour nobody appears. Very disappointing....
Annie (@annie_anniieee) berichtet
@MabuelaMichey I was into trading when I was younger, but I wish I had chosen regulated ones like fxview, tickmill or pepperstone instead of non regulated ones. And also, reading more on the news would help me to be more aware about everything. #noregrets
J (@letsplayftse) berichtet
Gonna give it a wider stop than normal, because of us opening in a bit, but 95% on pepperstone are short, I know I keep going on about it, but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it! Lol
Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet
in response to their offer. I contacted support over a seperate issue ( to migrate to a vps ) & somehow an internal conversation took place & I recieved a lovely email instructing me to leave. I've been trading with #Pepperstone since 2014 probably longer than 1/2 of their staff
Get Ryan (@GetRyanV) berichtet
@ECremeens1366 @chasingscratch0 Eli’s finishing move has to be “The Pepperstone” “Eli just pepperstoned The Rock. Now BroMan is handing him his cookie tote and Eli is chowing down with crumbs falling all over The Rock’s lifeless body. What a disgrace. There are no words for what we are witnessing here today”
roger carey (@brucegreenroger) berichtet
@PepperstoneFX any reason why you shut down all crypto? or just to scared someone might win for a change, this how pepperstone work
Miyoko Goto (@MiyokoGoto) berichtet
@livefxsignalsHQ Your signal is honest with the result not negative like some others on Telegram. I tried on Monday and most turned out to have SL instead of reaching TP. Pepperstone was the worst as I saw the opposite way booming after my purchase.
Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet
2) That he believes that any decent profitable trader leaves #pepperstone & migrates to @FTMO_com or @the5erstrading to be funded & their business model is broken. They have to rely on trading against their clients by running a "B" Book. - I must say that the way email responses
Lukacs (@Yosoymiguelmont) berichtet
@MygueRodulfo @VidaEmp En acciones e índices todo a mediano o largo plazo es el mejor pero en Forex no sirve pepperstone es el mejor
Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet
Just off the phone with #pepperstone support! I found out that I had an email sitting at 10.55am in my inbox. I closed out my GBP_USD in drawdown at 11.07am but would've been profitable. Basically, I've been punted! I'm now experiencing a DeJu Vu moment from a dream 2 months ago
Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet
I've asked #Pepperstone to review their decision to "Close" my account ( therefore losing my Pro Status ) It was in profit + track record will be broken. Should I, "Go Dark" in the meantime? Change my name to an alias? - Quickly "Shut down" this acc! Just frustrated.
/ (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet
@thechartist Ah Ok. I thought you started it! Would you object if I reached out to you via Message about "Short Term" solutions. I have to scramble. I've asked Pepperstone to re-consider but judging from a senior support email. It isn't looking good. IDK is she's even passed it on TBH!
I'm not the right "TARGET MARKET" -Pepperstone (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet
While waiting for Pepperstone's decision. ( An email from support is not supportive thus far ) I decided to reach out to @spotware to find what other ASIC Australian Broker's use @cTrader The reply: Only 2: ICMarkets & Pepperstone She's, got me gud!
Dinesh Yadav (@dineshydv) berichtet
@guy_raditya @gazarsenal @BestForexMethod mine is pepperstone and its server time is gmt+2.5 think
Philippe D´ Montecello (@PhilippeDmont) berichtet
PepperStone, Broker 100% Recomendado, Excelente soporte al cliente depósitos y retiros sin comisión. spreads bajos y también planes de Spread 0.
ACID303 (@ACIDTB303) berichtet
Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet
I've asked #Pepperstone to review their decision to suddenly "Close" my account ( losing my Pro Status ) It was in profit (50%) + track record will be broken. Should I, "Go Dark" in the meantime? Change my name to an alias? Lay low & Quickly "Hibernate" this account?
Samuel (@latviacalvinist) berichtet
If you want to try the same, I use Pepperstone as my broker. They provide a free alerts service called AutoChartist (or ChartAutist as I keep calling it, which is what it is) which is very accurate. Not sure if Pepperstone serves all countries though. It's a UK broker
Phil Hand (@jokerman_59) berichtet
So Chris is not ashamed! He damn well should be. No reply from 200 job applications. What did he think was going to happen? Thanks to the Pepperstone bloke, he’s landed on his feet. #australianstory
Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet
I actually gave up exactly 10% in the -"The status of this account is set "close only" You can only close your exisiting positions" Instead of coming to party to resolve & fix the issues. I'm instructed to leave! There goes the Y potential & Track Record. #Pepperstone #Forex
PisangCoklat (@durenmedan) berichtet
@DAX40 @Sridhar00681318 I realize that there is a gap cause the broker stop running the dax market from 9pm to 7am gmt. Most of the broker did that. Maybe cause of their LP. Try to check pepperstone. They are running dax 24/5 non stop. Hope this will help
Grog the Barbarian (@grog_the) berichtet
@PepperstoneFX I used to trade with PS but it’s just too expensive “From 0” means “higher than 0 most of the time + commissions” Now I use TD365 - with its terrible platform - but ~1\3 of Pepperstone’s all in pricing on the symbols I trade Happy to return if TD365’s pricing is matched
Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet
I really, really don't want to raise an issue with support. I'm trying to resolve this other "Issue" & waiting on #Pepperstone 's Internal Review. But, I've just realized that I recieved a phone call that's it's happening, but not an official email reply 🥺I'm concerned for my $
Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet
2) That he believes that any decent profitable trader leaves #pepperstone & migrates to @FTMO to be funded & their business model is broken. They have to rely on trading against their clients by running a "B" Book. - I must say that the way email responses are structured towards