
Funktioniert Pepperstone nicht?

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Pepperstone ist ein australischer Makler mit Sitz in Melbourne. Es bietet eine umfassende Handelsausführung über mehrere Plattformen, einschließlich MetaTrader 4, browserbasierter Eingabe und mobiler Geräte. Kunden können zwischen handelbaren Instrumenten in einer Vielzahl von Anlageklassen wählen, darunter Forex, Index-CFDs, Rohstoffe, Metalle und Kryptowährungen.

Probleme in den letzten 24 Stunden

Die folgende Grafik zeigt die Anzahl der Meldungen, die wir in den letzten 24 Stunden über Pepperstone nach Tageszeit erhalten haben. Ein Ausfall wird festgestellt, wenn die Anzahl der Berichte höher ist als die Baseline, dargestellt durch die rote Linie.

Pepperstone Ausfalldiagramm 09/09/2024 14:35

In Moment haben wir bei Pepperstone keine Probleme entdeckt. Haben Sie Probleme oder einen Ausfall? hinterlasse eine Nachricht in den Kommentaren.

Meist gemeldete Probleme

Im Folgenden sind die neuesten Probleme aufgeführt, die von Pepperstone-Benutzern über unsere Website gemeldet wurden.

  1. Handelsplattform (61%)

    Handelsplattform (61%)

  2. Login (31%)

    Login (31%)

  3. Abhebungen (4%)

    Abhebungen (4%)

  4. Website (3%)

    Website (3%)

Live-Karte der Ausfälle

Die kürzlichst gemeldeten Probleme und Ausfälle entstanden von

Karte wird geladen, bitte warten...
City Problem Type Report Time
BrazilApucarana Login
AustraliaBrisbane Login
South AfricaJohannesburg Login
BrazilGirau do Ponciano Handelsplattform
NetherlandsRotterdam Abhebungen
AustraliaMelbourne Handelsplattform
Map Vollständige Ausfallkarte


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Pepperstone Problemmeldungen

Letzte Ausfälle und Probleme die in sozialen Medien gemeldet wurden:

  • symbiosis_fx I'm not the right "TARGET MARKET" -Pepperstone (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet

    While waiting for Pepperstone's decision. ( An email from support is not supportive thus far ) I decided to reach out to @spotware to find what other ASIC Australian Broker's use @cTrader The reply: Only 2: ICMarkets & Pepperstone She's, got me gud!

  • Dizzy_N_ Dizzy_N_ (@Dizzy_N_) berichtet

    @I_Am_The_ICT Do about 10 scalps in a row, small lots and gradually big lots, so dey put u in the A book. Or u can go to octafx/ litefinance/ pepperstone & few others. U are not plugged in. Surely u don't mind putting a $1k into bitcoin. I know btc bothers u. u won't have those problems.

  • venussky123 anony (@venussky123) berichtet

    @asicmedia @PepperstoneFX @ASIC_Connect I would like to raise the issue of Pepperstone withholding clients' funds illegally without offering solutions. Very poor customer service. Support case02667735[ ref:_00D28KSeO._5002rIJWzV:ref ]

  • michaelakinmosi Olusegun Akinmosin (@michaelakinmosi) berichtet

    @DaddyVee4 @FinPlanKaluAja1 I don't recommend Brokers with Offices in Nigeria due to the following reasons. 1. Customer protection 2. Server Type 3. Discipline on Fund withdrawal 4. Higher leverage which favours broker most. Plus some other reasons. I Do ICMarkets and Pepperstone

  • venussky123 anony (@venussky123) berichtet

    @PepperstoneFX @asicmedia Pepperstone is using the excuse of Russ banks being sanctioned to withhold clients' funds.This is theft! They refused to process withdrawal through crypto or brk to brk transfer. Very poor customer service. case02667735[ ref:_00D28KSeO._5002rIJWzV:ref ]

  • KudzyGwanz Kudzy Gwanz (@KudzyGwanz) berichtet von Melbourne, State of Victoria

    @FxBower @GMDC_FX Pepperstone is Better than IC markets. I’ve tried both for a while and Pepperstone has better spreads, service, rebates and promotions.

  • symbiosis_fx Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet

    I really, really don't want to raise an issue with support. I'm trying to resolve this other "Issue" & waiting on #Pepperstone 's Internal Review. But, I've just realized that I recieved a phone call that's it's happening, but not an official email reply 🥺I'm concerned for my $

  • symbiosis_fx Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet

    I've asked #Pepperstone to review their decision to "Close" my account ( therefore losing my Pro Status ) It was in profit + track record will be broken. Should I, "Go Dark" in the meantime? Change my name to an alias? - Quickly "Shut down" this acc! Just frustrated.

  • symbiosis_fx Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet

    I actually gave up exactly 10% in the -"The status of this account is set "close only" You can only close your exisiting positions" Instead of coming to party to resolve & fix the issues. I'm instructed to leave! There goes the Y potential & Track Record. #Pepperstone #Forex

  • symbiosis_fx Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet

    2) That he believes that any decent profitable trader leaves #pepperstone & migrates to @FTMO_com or @the5erstrading to be funded & their business model is broken. They have to rely on trading against their clients by running a "B" Book. - I must say that the way email responses

  • venussky123 anony (@venussky123) berichtet

    @ASIC_Connect @PepperstoneFX @asicmedia Pepperstone is using the excuse of Russ banks being sanctioned to withhold clients' funds.This is theft! They refused to process withdrawal through crypto or brk to brk transfer. Very poor customer service. case02667735[ ref:_00D28KSeO._5002rIJWzV:ref ]

  • haxpor Wasin Thonkaew (@haxpor) berichtet

    FYI: Pepperstone broker server is at GMT+3

  • durenmedan PisangCoklat (@durenmedan) berichtet

    @DAX40 @Sridhar00681318 I realize that there is a gap cause the broker stop running the dax market from 9pm to 7am gmt. Most of the broker did that. Maybe cause of their LP. Try to check pepperstone. They are running dax 24/5 non stop. Hope this will help

  • MadHandleDaniel Daniel Bishop Petrick (@MadHandleDaniel) berichtet

    Victoria Pepperstone IS NOT the worst name for an @WWENXT star, at this point. @CMPunk

  • itslindseeey LINDSEY (@itslindseeey) berichtet

    wtf is the pepperstone atp rankings

  • latviacalvinist Samuel (@latviacalvinist) berichtet

    If you want to try the same, I use Pepperstone as my broker. They provide a free alerts service called AutoChartist (or ChartAutist as I keep calling it, which is what it is) which is very accurate. Not sure if Pepperstone serves all countries though. It's a UK broker

  • symbiosis_fx Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet

    I've asked #Pepperstone to review their decision to suddenly "Close" my account ( losing my Pro Status ) It was in profit (50%) + track record will be broken. Should I, "Go Dark" in the meantime? Change my name to an alias? Lay low & Quickly "Hibernate" this account?

  • TuanBohlool Tuan Bohlool (@TuanBohlool) berichtet

    When the dollar goes up, gold goes down. #trading #pepperstone

  • game_rublev Andrey Rublev Updates (@game_rublev) berichtet

    *Pepperstone has a bug in my country or didn't updated. I couldn't take the stats from there.

  • LocalManWolf Local Man Wolf (@LocalManWolf) berichtet

    @mat_gerrard Waapi...actually he is the worst I have seen. I have an account but when I realized that they manipulate prices I stopped dealing with them. The best I have used are Pepperstone from Australia

  • VideoBourse_fr - Fabien LABROUSSE (@VideoBourse_fr) berichtet

    📝 Petite erreur de ma part au niveau de la citation du compte Twitter de Pepperstone : il s'agit de @PepperstoneFX

  • TheBraveHamid The Brave Hamid (@TheBraveHamid) berichtet

    @PepperstoneFX It`s for 2 days that I have sent an email to Pepperstone support unfortunately no one returns back to me... in website chat also waited for about 1 hour nobody appears. Very disappointing....

  • annie_anniieee Annie (@annie_anniieee) berichtet

    @MabuelaMichey I was into trading when I was younger, but I wish I had chosen regulated ones like fxview, tickmill or pepperstone instead of non regulated ones. And also, reading more on the news would help me to be more aware about everything. #noregrets

  • iamcbzak Zak (@iamcbzak) berichtet

    @PepperstoneFX Pepperstone is down on ctrader no data wtf !!!!

  • symbiosis_fx / (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet

    @thechartist Ah Ok. I thought you started it! Would you object if I reached out to you via Message about "Short Term" solutions. I have to scramble. I've asked Pepperstone to re-consider but judging from a senior support email. It isn't looking good. IDK is she's even passed it on TBH!

  • dineshydv Dinesh Yadav (@dineshydv) berichtet

    @guy_raditya @gazarsenal @BestForexMethod mine is pepperstone and its server time is gmt+2.5 think

  • symbiosis_fx Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet

    in response to their offer. I contacted support over a seperate issue ( to migrate to a vps ) & somehow an internal conversation took place & I recieved a lovely email instructing me to leave. I've been trading with #Pepperstone since 2014 probably longer than 1/2 of their staff

  • KudzyGwanz Kudzy Gwanz (@KudzyGwanz) berichtet von Melbourne, State of Victoria

    @GMDC_FX @FxBower Pepperstone is Better than IC markets. I’ve tried both for a while and Pepperstone has better spreads, service, rebates and promotions.

  • symbiosis_fx Ron Hommel (@symbiosis_fx) berichtet

    Just off the phone with #pepperstone support! I found out that I had an email sitting at 10.55am in my inbox. I closed out my GBP_USD in drawdown at 11.07am but would've been profitable. Basically, I've been punted! I'm now experiencing a DeJu Vu moment from a dream 2 months ago

  • venussky123 anony (@venussky123) berichtet

    @PepperstoneFX @PepperstoneFX @asicmedia Pepperstone is using the excuse of Russ banks being sanctioned to withhold clients' funds.This is theft! They refused to process withdrawal through crypto or brk to brk transfer. Very poor customer service. case02667735[ ref:_00D28KSeO._5002rIJWzV:ref ]