Funktioniert Hostgator nicht?
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HostGator ist ein in Houston ansässiger Anbieter von geteilten, wiederverkauften und privaten Servern, und widmet sich Webhosting mit einem zusätzlichen Standort in Austin, Texas.
Probleme in den letzten 24 Stunden
Die folgende Grafik zeigt die Anzahl der Meldungen, die wir in den letzten 24 Stunden über Hostgator nach Tageszeit erhalten haben. Ein Ausfall wird festgestellt, wenn die Anzahl der Berichte höher ist als die Baseline, dargestellt durch die rote Linie.
In Moment haben wir bei Hostgator keine Probleme entdeckt. Haben Sie Probleme oder einen Ausfall? hinterlasse eine Nachricht in den Kommentaren.
Meist gemeldete Probleme
Im Folgenden sind die neuesten Probleme aufgeführt, die von Hostgator-Benutzern über unsere Website gemeldet wurden.
Hosting (35%)
Domains (29%)
E-mail (18%)
Web Werkzeuge (12%)
Cloud-Services (6%)
Live-Karte der Ausfälle
Die kürzlichst gemeldeten Probleme und Ausfälle entstanden von
City | Problem Type | Report Time |
Domains | ||
Hosting | ||
Domains | ||
Hosting | ||
Hosting | ||
Tipps? Frustrationen? Teile es hier. Nützliche Kommentare enthalten eine Beschreibung des Problems, der Stadt und der Postleitzahl.
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Hostgator Problemmeldungen
Letzte Ausfälle und Probleme die in sozialen Medien gemeldet wurden:
Zennie Abraham CEO / Zennie62 (@ZennieAAbraham) berichtet
After great support @hgsupport has fallen off the wagon. I have tickets not responded to, call center workers who tell fibs about service, saying "They're working on it now", and one guy who just wanted to argue with me. HostGator does not seem to value me as a customer. .
Bojay B (@Bojay_B) berichtet
My ******* hostgator package won't cancel on my phone and I won't be home until after it tries to bill me so its just gonna get mad at me because I have no ******* money
Jay Marroquin (@JayMarroquin) berichtet
Any email issues currently @HostGator @HGSupport. Getting some SMTP issues on my end for a few hosted domains.
Chelsea Wright (@fitmodelchelsea) berichtet
Is anyone else having issues with @HostGator ALL 3 of my sites which are run through them have been disabled and labeled as malicious sites. In the 3 years of having them, never had an issue until today. #hostgatorfail
Botato Desatento e Hiperativo (@LaPapaEsPop) berichtet
o departamento de TI do cliente é um cara, prestador de serviço, que formata os computador e uma hospedagem na hostgator de um site em wordpress desatualizado e o dev que que eles providencie uma hospedagem nodejs e um banco mongodb pra rodar a aplicação que ele fez HAHAHAHAAHHA
HostGator Support (@HGSupport) berichtet
@JC_Wrighter @HostGator We don't want your site to be listed as 'Dangerous'. Send me a DM with some account info and I'd like to help. -Val
Rich (@SharpguyRich) berichtet
@HostGator I dont like the Block Editor, too difficult for simple changes, go back to the old way, or find another way. Since MS Frontpage 97, web design has became more difficult, why? Give me WYSIWYG, not block editor, you cant even change font type in block, its in the theme??? it sucks.
Edward Quisenberry (@Insure_Ed) berichtet
@HGSupport What's going on at Host Gator? Can't log into live chat. Can't speak to support on the toll free telephone number. Are you still in business?
Marciano (@g_m_trindade) berichtet
o serviço de hospedagem da uol é uma *****, estou há 2 dias tentando fazer uma restauração para um cliente que trocou o hostgator(??) pela uol e o suporte técnico parece saber menos do que minha vó
LockSafe (@LockSafe) berichtet
@HGSupport Over 90 mins later they NIKHIL decided they could not help
Edward Quisenberry (@Insure_Ed) berichtet
@HostGator How come I can't get ahold of support? Telephone calls don't go through, and I can't "login" to live chat. Is Host Gator still in business?
Raj Goel (@RajGoel4077) berichtet
@hostgatorindia Buy the hostgator services only if you want some action in your life. If you want to remain busy getting complaints from your customers and want to spend few hours daily with hostgator support, buy any package. If you want to live a peaceful life, stay away.
Julie Kubiak (@JulieKubiak) berichtet
@HostGator @HGSupport @SiteLock totally let down by you all. Website has been down 7 days and noone has the decency to contact me. Promised a call from SiteLock 13 hours ago, still no call. This needs to be sorted today, no excuses 😡😡😡 #badservice #businessowner #fridaymorning
LockSafe (@LockSafe) berichtet
@HostGator one of the worst companies I have ever dealt with spent 50mins explaining the site of my clients are down and all I get is looking into the problem give me 2-3 mins.
Botato Desatento e Hiperativo (@LaPapaEsPop) berichtet
o departamento de TI do cliente é um cara, prestador de serviço, que formata os computador e uma hospedagem na hostgator de um site em wordpress desatualizado e o dev quer que eles providencie uma hospedagem nodejs e um banco mongodb pra rodar a aplicação que ele fez HAHAHAHAAHHA
laine ➡️ CFE 2022 (@korayik0) berichtet
today - code - cry - dentist - figure out code - work - parks domain - doesnt know what ******** web hodting is - spends 15 at dreamhost realizes its trash - spends 15 at hostgator; not trash but needs to be migrated - domain can't migrate till march 7th - cry
Galactic-Despot-Elect Morris (@UdunMonster) berichtet
@HGSupport chat support windows don't load and the wait time on hold is >30 min continually. No good, man.
JC Wrighter (@JC_Wrighter) berichtet
Another one of my @HostGator websites is all of a sudden having issues. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good hosting provider? I think it's time to change. #hosting #hostingsites #hostingproviders
Serpentinization (@ImIncoginto) berichtet
@HGSupport Service is fine. Increasing cost every year, not so cool. In reality, it's not entirely THAT big of a deal but it would be nice to see created incentives to bring customers to HG and offset rising costs. I've never had any service interruptions & CS has always been helpful.
HostGator Support (@HGSupport) berichtet
As part of our continued efforts to better serve our customers, our hours of operation have changed for HostGator phone support. Phone support hours will now be 7am-12am ET. Our chat support will still be here for you 24/7.
Zennie Abraham CEO / Zennie62 (@ZennieAAbraham) berichtet
And I still have the problem I contacted them about, even though I made some progress in working on it, on my own. Not cool HostGator. You've upset an ally. Me.
Botato Desatento e Hiperativo (@LaPapaEsPop) berichtet
o departamento de TI do cliente é um cara, prestador de serviço, que formata os computador e uma hospedagem na hostgator de um site em wordpress desatualizado e o dev quer que eles providencie uma hospedagem nodejs e um banco mongodb pra rodar a aplicação que ele fez HAHAHAHAAHHA
Rick Gualtieri (@RickGualtieri) berichtet
Was just informed by Hostgator that their Wordpress hosting solutions do not support the webp file format, despite Wordpress itself supporting it for a few versions now. Seems a wee bit dumb to me.
LockSafe (@LockSafe) berichtet
@HGSupport @HostGator one of the worst companies I have ever dealt with spent 50mins explaining the site of my clients are down and all I get is looking into the problem give me 2-3 mins.
Edward Quisenberry (@Insure_Ed) berichtet
@HostGator How come I can't get ahold of support? Telephone calls don't go through, and I can't "login" to live chat. Is Host Gator still in business?
Serpentinization (@ImIncoginto) berichtet
@HGSupport Service is fine. Increasing cost every year, not so cool. In reality, it's not entirely THAT big of a deal but it would be nice to see created incentives to bring customers to HG as I've never had a service interruption and CS has always been helpful and offset rising costs.
LockSafe (@LockSafe) berichtet
@HostGator worst service ever
LockSafe (@LockSafe) berichtet
@HostGator used to be a great company but the service just gets worse
Edward Quisenberry (@Insure_Ed) berichtet
@HGSupport How come I can't get ahold of support? Telephone calls don't go through, and I can't "login" to live chat. Is Host Gator still in business?
LockSafe (@LockSafe) berichtet
@HostGator @HostGator one of the worst companies I have ever dealt with spent 50mins explaining the site of my clients are down and all I get is looking into the problem give me 2-3 mins.