Funktioniert IG nicht?

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IG ist der weltweit größte Forex Broker und CFD Dealer. Das Unternehmen bietet weltweiten Zugang zu einer umfassenden Produktlinie, die Forex, Aktienindizes, einzelne Aktien, Aktiensektoren, Rohstoffe, Kryptowährungen, Anleihen und Zinssätze auf einer Vielzahl von professionellen webbasierten und mobilen Handelsplattformen umfasst.

Probleme in den letzten 24 Stunden

Die folgende Grafik zeigt die Anzahl der Meldungen, die wir in den letzten 24 Stunden über IG nach Tageszeit erhalten haben. Ein Ausfall wird festgestellt, wenn die Anzahl der Berichte höher ist als die Baseline, dargestellt durch die rote Linie.

IG Ausfalldiagramm 01/21/2025 00:10

In Moment haben wir bei IG keine Probleme entdeckt. Haben Sie Probleme oder einen Ausfall? hinterlasse eine Nachricht in den Kommentaren.

Meist gemeldete Probleme

Im Folgenden sind die neuesten Probleme aufgeführt, die von IG-Benutzern über unsere Website gemeldet wurden.

  1. Login (50%)

    Login (50%)

  2. Website (25%)

    Website (25%)

  3. Handelsplattform (25%)

    Handelsplattform (25%)

Live-Karte der Ausfälle

Die kürzlichst gemeldeten Probleme und Ausfälle entstanden von

Karte wird geladen, bitte warten...
City Problem Type Report Time
GermanyDüsseldorf Handelsplattform
GermanySaarbrücken Login
GermanyLeipzig Website
BrazilOsasco Login
AustriaVienna Handelsplattform
MexicoCuernavaca Login
Map Vollständige Ausfallkarte


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IG Problemmeldungen

Letzte Ausfälle und Probleme die in sozialen Medien gemeldet wurden:

  • adamkbaranowski Adam Baranowski (@adamkbaranowski) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp Very bad timing. What's going to happen to trades left on accounts of users who can't log in? Are they going to be executed if matched or cancelled?

  • ITWT10 ITWT 🇬🇧🇮🇪 (@ITWT10) berichtet

    Brilliant!! #ODX ar$e has dropped out again for the fotty-eth thousand time and cannot login to @IGcom to adjust!!!!

  • duncanmacgregor Duncan (@duncanmacgregor) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp Still can't login, are your servers unable to cope with the demand?

  • WillSpence88 will spencer (@WillSpence88) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp do you have issues with the platform? Keeps error messaging

  • r51lva Ricardo (@r51lva) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp platform down?

  • MathewWiggett Gonzo71 (@MathewWiggett) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp what is going on with your spreadbet system unable to login, losing a fortune as unable to get access to the system on PC or app after 1430GMT

  • duncanmacgregor Duncan (@duncanmacgregor) berichtet

    @AviNMash In the UK @IGcom has locked everyone out. Also Trade 212 is having “server issues”

  • GeorgeMinton19 G.Minton (@GeorgeMinton19) berichtet

    @IGcom why is your platform down at really critical times during the trading day? It’s so unreliable!!

  • drewbdesigns drewb (Andrew Bags) (@drewbdesigns) berichtet

    @IGcom Are there issues with the site?I just got kicked out of my account and now the website says unexpected error!

  • r45Mu5 r45Mu5 (@r45Mu5) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp Platform and app is down....WTF?? Can't close trades

  • radulf36 Fludar (@radulf36) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp App not working. This is unacceptable

  • milbshake milbshake (@milbshake) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp Platform inaccessible again. Isnt there a point where IG have to realise that whatever IT infrastructure they have in place is simlpy is not fit for purpose when you have huge market selloffs ? Do you ever plan to fix this ? Serious Q

  • mrcod72 David Card (@mrcod72) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp Your system has been down ever since #ODX experienced a **** drop and stop hunt below 60p!! Coincidence??!!!

  • JackRutter Jack (@JackRutter) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp was kicked out ofmy account and now cannot log in. Is there a technical issue?

  • fishwife101 Ben (@fishwife101) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp Can’t login

  • BillieJago BillieJago (@BillieJago) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp platform is down - can't login!

  • ZaloRostam B.Afshar (@ZaloRostam) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp what happened? everything is down

  • yullio Yullio (@yullio) berichtet

    @IGcom shocking performance of course always when you need it. I think I need another broker: Investigating - We’re currently investigating reports of issues accessing our platforms. We apologize for any inconvenience and will post another update as soon as we learn more.

  • Lyon3Leo Joe (@Lyon3Leo) berichtet

    @IGcom @IGSquawk Once again when its high volume trading day, IG conveniently goes down!! ******* had it with you thieves!! Withdrawing all my money and closing all my accounts!!! #igindex

  • ThibaultSalomo2 Thibault Salomon (@ThibaultSalomo2) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp Can't seem to log into my account... is this a global issue?

  • rickibarrett ricki barrett (@rickibarrett) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp platform is down

  • smokeycapital smokeycapital (@smokeycapital) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp API is back up, but still no client login

  • rickibarrett ricki barrett (@rickibarrett) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp what is going on your platform is down nobody’s responding

  • Andrew18567691 Andy Denisovan 💙 (@Andrew18567691) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp your web site is down with an ‘unexpected error’ - also the app refuses to load. What is happening?

  • IanByrn80766563 Ian (@IanByrn80766563) berichtet

    @IGcom guys i cant put in my stops or close a trade that hit stop. the entire service is not executing and no answer from helpline

  • AfroSwingTrader Afro Swing Trader (@AfroSwingTrader) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp I literally need to make a trade and your platform is down WTF man!!!

  • M4Roberts MartinRoberts (@M4Roberts) berichtet

    @IGSquawk @IGcom Site been down for 20mins!! Left absolutely helpless.. phones busy.. you offer a service but at crucial times the service fails!!!

  • politikCentral Politik Central (10m Front Crawl) (@politikCentral) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp Hi there I can’t seem to login at the moment is this a general issue?

  • PaulODo93371138 Paul ODonnell (@PaulODo93371138) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp Hi, I can't get through to any helpdesks. I'm getting 'unexpected error' when I try to use the app and a web browser. Can someone help me please?

  • WeaselIPA Weasel IPA (@WeaselIPA) berichtet

    @IGClientHelp platform down